Thursday, December 16, 2010

Parents: Help Start EBS Morning Run Club

If you are available on Tues. or Thurs. morning from 8:15-8:45 and would like to donate your time please contact Mrs. Smart at

A flyer with additional info. will be passed out this morning!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reminder: Pajama Day Is This Friday!

For Those Who Are Out Of Town

Please complete the following:

Page: 136  15-30 Page 137 37-41

page 157  14-28 and 30-34

Page 162 13-24 and Page 163  25-32

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Weekly Reader: Please make sure to read all of the articles and carefully answer the questions on the back page.

Math: Get retest signed and study for the math quiz that is tomorrow.

Parents: We are all out of Kleenex. If you would like to donate some that would be wonderful!

Monday, December 13, 2010

homework and parent info.

Math: Please finish the problem we started today in class. Spend 20 minutes and be neat!

Reading: Weekly Reader will be passed out tomorrow and due on Friday.

Parent Reminders: This Friday will be a short day. 12:30 dismissal.

Please check lost and found before vacation to make sure that nothing has been lost.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Math Homework

1)    0.8 ÷.02=

What question could it be asking?
Predict whether the answer is greater or less than 1.
Draw a picture to show the problem
Write your answer.

2)"A student said that 3 was the answer to 2.1 ÷ 7.  Do you agree or disagree?  How would you convince that student that you are right? (be detailed!)  In your explanation you could also include a picture.

3) Get test signed by parents and to review it and prepare for the re-test.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Vocabulary: Unit 6. Complete the first two pages by Wed. Finish last two pages by Friday.

Weekly Reader: Due Friday

Science: Do not forget to do your Weather Report


For those of you who are out of town here is an example: If I have 1.2 ÷ 4: This means "If I have 1.2 and I want to divide it into 4 equal groups, how many are in each group."

Next, estimate whether it is bigger or smaller than one. This would be smaller than one since 1.2 broken apart 4 times will be smaller than one.

Now draw a picture: I could build one flat and two longs for my model. Now trade flat for ten longs so that there are 12 longs for your picture. Put them into 4 groups and there will be 3 in longs each group. Since, three longs are in each group you have answered you question. The answer will be .3

Please do the following problems: For each one include.....

1) The question the equation is asking

2) Is it bigger than or smaller than one.

3) A picture using base 10 blocks.

4) Write the equation and your answer.

a) 1.2 ÷6 =

b) .6 ÷ 3 =

c) .16 ÷4=

d) 3.6 ÷6=

e) 2.4 ÷ 3=

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Math Homework

Math:  Page 144  9-12 and 30-32 and 35-37.

Math:  Multiplication of Decimal Test on Friday.

Last Nights Math Homework

Math:  Page 142 11, 14, 22, 25, 28.  Page 143 29 and 30

Reading Logs due today.

Last Nights Math Homework