Welcome Parents and Students! This blog will be a great resource to find useful websites, videos and weekly homework assignments.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Math: Interactive workbook page 88 6-12 and 14 and 15. Do it in your spiral notebook.
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Vocabulary Test: Unit 1-8. Make sure to study every night!
Math Test: Wed.
Practice Problem:
use 100 grid
1) 5 X .3=
2) 6 X .03 =
3) .4 X .7 =
4) .9 X .5=
Estimate and Solve:
5) 24.2 X .8=
6) 3.9 X 2.3=
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Study Guide For Wednesday's Math Test!
Concepts to know:
Know how to multiply a whole number times a decimal. Make sure to be able to illustrate what is happening on a 100 grid. Example 3 X .2= (This means 3 groups of .2)
Know how to multiply a decimal times a decimal. Make sure to be able to illustrate what is happening on a 100 grid. Example .3 X .2= (This means .3 of .2 or I have .3 of a pizza. I give Jane .2 of my share. How much does Jane have of the WHOLE pizza)
Know how to estimate how big a product will be and then place the decimal point.
For example. .49 X 12.8= (I know .49 is about .5 or half. 12.8 is about 13. half of 13 is 6.5)
Then multiply as if there are no decimals 49 X 128 You can place decimal point based on estimate or count decimal places.
Know how to divide a whole number and decimal using base 10 blocks. 2.4 divided by 8= (know what question this asks)
Know how to divide a decimal by a decimal using base 10 blocks. 2.4 divided by .8=
Know how to divide two decimals by making the divisor a whole number. For example 43.2 divided by .6 will have the same quotient as 432 divided by 6 since both the dividend and divisor got ten times bigger.
Study and reread your notes.
Redo homework problems.
Ask me questions in class
Check blog for practice problems during the week.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Math Homework due Friday
Math homework: For each problem please do the following:
a) Write down what the question is asking.
b) Is the quotient going to be bigger or smaller than 1
c) draw a base 10 model
d) Write the equation
1) 2.4 divided by .3 =
2) .49 divided by .7 =
3) 4.8 divided by .6 =
4) .12 divided by .02=
5) A student said that 3 was the answer to 2.1 divided by 7. do you agree or disagree?
How would you convince someone that you are right? Hint: A picture and equation would be an idea.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Math Homework:
For each problem please do the following:
1) Write down the question the problem could be asking?
2) Predict if the answer will be greater or less than 1
3) Model the problem using base 10 materials
4) Record the equation for the problem.
a) .36 divided by 6=
b) 3.5 divided by 5 =
c) .28 divided by 7 =
d) 2.4 divided by 8 =
Note: I do not have a divided sign on my computer therefore a just wrote the word divided instead of putting the sign.
homework From Yesterday
Math: Page 75 and 76 in the interactive homework workbook.
Vocab. : Pages 78-83 are due tomorrow.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Math Homework
Math: For the following problems please use 100 grid to illustrate what is happening mathematically.
1) .2 X .6 =
2) .7 X .3 =
3) .5 X .5 =
4) .9 X .4 =
5) .7 X .6 =
Be careful on this one...its a whole number times a decimal now!!! Remember X means groups of...
6) 5 X .3=
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Math: Please solve the following problems using 100 grids like we did in class today.
Use a 100 grid to model each problem.
1) 4 X .4 =
2) 2 X .34 =
3) 7 X .2 =
4) .13 X 4 =
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Interactive Homework Workbook: Page 126 all (I do not have the book at home, but I think this is the right page. It should show 100 grid on the first 2 problems. You then need to write a decimal and fraction for the shaded in portion. Next exercise on the page you need to turn a fraction into a decimal 7 3/10 which is 7.3)
Weekly Reader: due Friday
Vocabulary (Due Wed.): Unit 7 Read story. Read definitions and fill in the sentences. Then do the first 3 exercises.
Vocabulary: (Due Friday) finish unit 7 and be ready for the quiz
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday's Nights Homework
Math: Page 117 all Page 119 all and Page 122 1, 7 and 10
Reading: daily reading log, and weekly reader
Vocabulary: No vocabulary this week
Thursday, November 10, 2011
For those of you who were absent Tues.
Math Homework: Page 220 9-20 and number 23. (Wed. there was no homework)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Math: Page 205 16-24
Vocabulary: Pages 58-61 and page 63 Due Wednesday
Quiz Thursday and pages 62 and 65
Weekly Reader: Due Thurs.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Math: Page 199 7-17 (hard cover book that is also online)
Fine Artists: Choose leaf to trace and cut out. Put your name on the back.
Vocab. Finish unit 5, Quiz and finish Weekly Reader.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
For those of you who are out of Town
Please download "divisibility" from my home page. You can refer to page 194 in your online book to review and learn the rules of divisibility.
Please do Page 195 20-24
Vocabulary: Pages 48-51 Due Wednesday
Pages 52-55 Due Friday and be ready for quiz
Reading: Weekly Reader questions due Friday
Math: Finish divisibility page we started in class. Then find a number that is divisible by
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
Monday, October 31, 2011
Math: Please finish page 195 #8 and #17 in your hard cover text book that is online.
Weekly Reader: I will pass it out tomorrow. It is due on Friday
Vocabulary: Please start on Unit 5. First two exercises are due on Wed.
November Reading Log: I will pass that out tomorrow.
October Reading Log: Due tomorrow.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Math: Please finish the problems we started today in class. Also, start on your internet assignment. It is due on Thurs.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Math: Internet assignment due on Thurs. at pearsonsuccessnet.com My email tells you exactly what to do.
Vocab.: Unit 4 Page 40, 41, and 42 Due Wed.
Page 43-45 Due Friday
Quiz Friday on Unit 4
Weekly Reader: Read and answer question on the back. Due Friday
Home Reading: Make sure to record your reading every night.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Vocabulary: Due Wednesday Pages 28-31
Due Friday Pages 32-35 Make sure to do "Write Your Own"
Vocabulary: Quiz Friday.....Make sure to study!!!
Weekly Reader: Questions on the back due Friday along with the two sided worksheet.
Math: Finish the extension problem we had in class.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Math: Please do page 36 in your interactive math workbook. This lesson is on exponents.
Finish your online assignment and bring the independent practice portion to school.
Quiz Friday on the distributive property.
Vocabulary: Finish unit 2 by Friday and study for Friday's quiz.
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Math: Page 61 9-25 Estimate first. Then solve using the box method.
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Vocabulary: Unit 2 first three exercises are due WED.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Word Study: unit one test tomorrow. Finish unit 1
Math: Decimal test (study guide is on Saturday's post)
Social Studies: Test tomorrow
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Homework Problems
1) 23, 864, 982 Please write the following number in word form and expanded form.
2) 3.56 - 1.009 = Hint: you could build this with base 10 blocks. Start with 3.56 and then just take off 1.009 from it.
3)How much did these customers order all together?: Customer 1: 6 cubes, 8 flats
Customer 2: 11 longs, 6 cubes, 3 flats
4) How much more did customer 1 order than customer 2?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Homework Problems
Math Practice Problems:
Write 2.456 in word form, expanded form and as a fraction.
Write the decimal for 12 longs, 8 flats, 13 cubes
Order from greatest to least and explain why? Be convincing. .7, .569, .82
Vocabulary: Due Wed. Pages 10-12
Due Fri. Pages 13-15.....................following by vocab. quiz on Fri.
Reading: Make sure to record your reading each night!
Tests: Math test Fri., vocab. quiz
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Review Sheet For Friday's Test
Concepts to know:
whole numbers:
• know how to write them in word form, standard form, and expanded form.
• know how to find the place value in a number and also be able to tell the value of the digit. For example: 576,984 The six is in the thousands place. The value of the 6 is 6,000
• know how to round whole numbers and estimate sums.
• know how to fill a customer order by recording a decimal. For example: 12 longs, 3 flats, and 12 cubes. (In this example you would also need to know how to make trades)
• Know how to build a decimal with bases 10 blocks.
• Know how to put a decimal into word form, expanded form, standard form and as a fraction
• Know how to compare and order decimals (You also need to be able to explain how you know which is bigger and which is smaller)
• know how to add and subtract decimals using base 10 blocks.
• Know how to round decimals and estimate sums.
•Know how to find a decimal between a decimal. For example, is there a decimal between .234 and .235
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
homework Problems
Please draw the following orders. Then put them together and write the decimal. Next write down the equation and add the two decimals.
Customer number 1: 6 longs, 4 cubes
Customer number 2: 1 block, 3 longs, 2 flats, 8 cubes
Customer number 1: 5 flats, 4 cubes
Customer number 2: 1 block, 3 longs, 7 flats, 8 cubes
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Math: Interactive Homework Book page 15 and 16.
Don't forget you have an online assignment that is due next Monday.
Reading: Read and record the pages you read every night.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Reading: Monthly reading logs are due Monday Oct. 3
Math: Interactive Math Workbook Pages 2, 13 and 14 (page 2 should already be done)
Weekly Reader: Due on Friday. (I will pass this out tomorrow and discuss it)
Reminders: One more week left for the gift wrap fundraiser!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
For Comic Strip Lovers
I found a cool site for those who like to create comic strips. The link is http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/How-to-Play/Educators/
Math: Please finish your employee quiz that we started in class today. If were absent, please download the document (employee quiz) from my webpage. The link is on the right hand side of my blog.
Math Challenge Question: 13 longs, 14 cubes, 12 flats Write a decimal in standard form, expanded form and as a fraction.
Also, how many hundredths are in the number 1.24 (in the whole number not just the hundredths place)
Reading: Read and record every night!!! (5days a week)
Language Arts: Scholastic is due tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Math: Please finish both sides of the worksheet I passed out. Try to put each decimal into expanded form and as a fraction...REMEMBER the picture will help you with expanded form.
Challenge Problem for today:
9 flats, 13 longs, 12 cubes.
Draw it
make trades
write decimal in: standard form, expanded form and as a fraction
Reading:Make sure to fill in your reading calendar after you read each night!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekly Reader: Please read all the articles and make sure all questions on the back page are completed.
Math: Please complete Fudge Factory Customer order worksheet.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Math: Please finish page 2 in your interactive workbook. (the thicker one)
Don't forget your online assignment is also due on Monday!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Math: Online assignment is due Monday.
Languare Arts: Dream House and Intel profile due tomorrow.
Great job getting things in this week!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Writing: All About Me Posters are due tomorrow.
Math: Make sure to register online and bookmark my blog and website.
Great Job so far this week!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Important Dates For Parents To Know
Back To School Night September 15 @ 5:30p.m. (detail to follow soon)
Picture Day October 11 (Grades 3 through 5)
Parent Conferences: November 14-18
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Welcome To A New Year!
Please take a moment to get familiar with my blog. Click on the links on the right side of my blog and check out some cool sites I found.
You can also become a follower which allows you to post comments and ask questions. I will update this page every week with your homework. At times, I will ask you to watch some math video lessons as well.
Lastly, bookmark this in your computer so you can access this page quickly.
I am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you!
You can also become a follower which allows you to post comments and ask questions. I will update this page every week with your homework. At times, I will ask you to watch some math video lessons as well.
Lastly, bookmark this in your computer so you can access this page quickly.
I am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Study Guide For Test Tues.
Thing To Know:
Know how to create a tree diagram to find outcomes. What are the outcomes if you had: a blue and black pair of pants; white, green, and yellow shirt.
Understand the backgammon problem we did in class.
Understand the Bob and Allen problem we did in class. Suggestion, change the number in the class problem to anything. For example, Allen mowed 1/7 as much as Bob.
Understand the orange juice problem
Understand the painter problem.
Know part to part, part to whole and whole to part ratios.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Math: Please spend 30 minutes working on the orange juice problem. Show your parents and ask them if they can give you hints. We will work on in more tomorrow. Remember.....what you put into something is what you get out of it!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Homework This Week
Weekly Reader: Please read al the stories and answer the questions on the back page.
Vocabulary: Final Mastery Chapter. Finish pages 156 and 157 for WED. Finish pages 158 and 159 for FRI. Study for your test. There will be 50 questions. Go back over all chapters. Start studying now!
Math: No homework tonight. But there will be some on WED. that will be due Friday.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Thank You
Dear Parents and Students,
Thank you very much for making me for very special this week! I enjoyed reading all of the cards you wrote me, the gifts you gave me and all the beautiful flowers you brought to me on Friday!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Math: Please finish the Handshake problem and Backgammon problem.
Check blog for study guide. Then spend time studying on the test.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
24 Game Practice This Thurs. from 12:30 until 1:00ish
If you cannot make this Thursday, let me know and I can still include you on the list for the E.B.S. tournament.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Test Review For This Friday
The following concepts will be on the test:
Circle Graphs: Page 426 and 427
Double Bar Graphs: Use your notes and example from classwork on how to create and interpret.
Stem and Leaf Plot: Use your notes and example from classwork on how to create and interpret.
Histogram: Page 424-425
Line Graph: Page 406-407
Mean, median, mode and range: Use notes in class, refer to page 432-435. Know that mean is equal stacks.
Know how to solve this type of question: The mean of three number is 5. Two for the numbers are 3 and 7. What is the third number?
Or....What is the mean of 6, 4, 3, and 7???
Pictograph: page 420- 421
Know what a scale and interval are and how to use them.
Math: Page 441 All problems. (hardcover book)
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Vocabulary: Pages 148-151 Due Wednesday
Vocabulary: Pages 152-155 Due Friday
Vocabulary Quiz on Friday
Monday, May 2, 2011
Math Homework
Please choose two problems that you did not do in class from each section of pages.
Page 36 #2
Page 39 #1, #2
Page 40 #3, #5
Page 41 #1, #2
Page 70 #2,#4,#5
Page 71 #2, #4, #5
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Vocabulary: Study for quiz tomorrow
Math: Spiral Review Workbook Page 24 #3 Page 26 #2 Page 32 1-3
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Vocabulary: Unit 13-16 Review Pages 140-144 Due Wed.
Vocabulary: Unit 13-16 Review Pages 145-147 Due Fri.
Math: Interactive Homework Workbook Pages 237 and 238
Reading: Finish Test Released Questions packet Due Friday
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Math Videos To Watch

Finding Volume: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKQY7FAbm_M
Dividing Decimals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA6Gy4inUKM
Monday, April 18, 2011
Reading: Weekly Reader Due. Friday
Vocabulary: Unit 16 First 2 pages due on Wed. Last two pages due on Fri.
Vocabulary: Quiz this Friday.
Math: page 408 9-14
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Video On Surface Area

I found a video on Surface Area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcjnz26pnwY that would be a great review. It is three minutes long.
Health: Test tomorrow. Complete worksheet and lesson 3 questions.
Vocab.: Quiz tomorrow. Complete last two exercises.
Weekly Reader: Complete last page and worksheet.
Math: None. Spend some time this weekend practicing the test released questions.
Note: Check blog. I will try to find some good you tube videos for this weekend.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Math: Test Released Questions. Please do number 20-24
Health: Study for health test on Friday.
I found a video on you tube of how to find the percent of a number in a very procedural way. it is a very short video. Please click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rr-IXInEVc
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Math: Page 390 6-26 (hardcover book that is online)
Health: Prepare for health test on Friday for Chapter 4. We will work on the review sheet tomorrow in class.
Monday, April 11, 2011

Math: Page 392 18-21 and Test Released Questions 16-19
For those of you who wanted more practice problems try these.
68% of 90= 12% of 45= 27% of 110=
Reading: Weekly Reader and Weekly Reader Worksheet Due. Friday
Vocabulary: Unit 15 First 2 pages due on Wed. Last two pages due on Fri.
Vocabulary: Quiz this Friday.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Vocabulary: Finish unit. Prepare for quiz
Weekly Reader: Complete back page and handout I gave you.
Math: Page 352 29-31 Write a chefs story. Draw a cauldron and solve the equation for each. Then do page 353 number 39 and 40 and then do Page 351 7 and 10
Reading: Reading calendars due.
Math homework from Tues. and Wed.
Tues. night homework: Page 342-343 13-20 21-26 and 28 Explain. Test Release Questions 2, 5 and 7
Wed. math Homework: Page 349 #19, #25, and #29 For each write a chefs story, draw a cauldron, and solve the problem.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Go To My Web Page
and download sc0002fe9f.jpg This is the story I read you today to help you remember how to add and subtract integers.
It would be a good idea to re- read it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Vocabulary: Due Wed. Pages 124 and 125
Vocabulary: Due Fri. Pages 126 and 127
Weekly Reader: Crossword puzzle Due Wed.... Question at the back....Due Friday
Reading Groups Meeting: Wed. morning
Math: Pages 326 and 327 #4, 6-9, #11, #15 AND.......Print out test released questions from my blog.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Test Release Questions added
The test release questions have been added. Please print out a copy of the math questions. We will be doing some of these in class.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Vocabulary: Pages 118 and 119 Due Wed. Pages 120 and 121 Due Fri.
Vocabulary: Prepare for quiz on Fri.
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Math: Daily Spiral Review Workbook Page 61.
And Interactive Homework book Page 177.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Math: Pages 308 and 309 in the hard cover book that is online. Please do numbers 5 -7 and then do numbers 11, 13, 16, 17, and 18.
Vocabulary: Finish review unit 9-12. Be prepared for the quiz.
Weekly Reader: Finish questions on the back.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Vocabulary: Pages 110-112 Due Wed.
Vocabulary: Pages 113-115 Due Fri.
Vocabulary: Quiz Friday
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Math: This is the hardcover book that is online.
Pages 301 5-9 17 and 21
Pages 304 5-10 11 and 13 and 15-18
Art: You can be working on your Google logo for the contest!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Homework and Announcements
Today students should bring home the following:
1) Reading calendar for March
2)"What you think you'll be in fifteen years?" This is for the Yearbook staff. Please return ASAP
3)Buddy Picture Flyer
MATH: PAGE 279 4, 13 , 21 For each problem write the following:
1) The question
2) Picture
Monday, February 28, 2011
Math: Please do page 277 numbers 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 24 . Please share your results on the math test with your parents.
For each problem include:
Vocabulary: Unite 12 Please finish the first 2 pages due Wed.
Last two pages due Fri.
Weekly Reader: No weekly reader this week.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Math Homework for tonight
For the following problems write a story, equation and draw a picture.
1) 3 1/4 - 1 7/12 =
2) 2/3 X 1/4 =
For the following problems draw a picture and solve the equation.
3) 2/3 X 3 1/3=
4) 4 1/5 X 2 1/2 =
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Math Test Friday On Fractions
The following concepts will be covered:
Know how to find an equivalent fraction: For example what fractions are equal to 1/2? 1/5?
Know how to simplify a fraction (make it into its biggest piece) For example, how do you simplify
How about 12/16?
How about 5/20?
Know how to add and subtract fractions that have different size wholes. For example:
1/2 + 1/4 =
1/8 + 5/16 =
3 3/4 - 1 1/4 =
2 1/8 - 1 1/4= (hint : you can use a number line like we did in class)
Know how to make an improper fraction into a mixed number. For example 6/4 is equal to ?
Know how to multiply fractions and draw pictures. For example. What is
1/2 X 1/4=
What would the picture look like.
Know how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers. For example.
What is 1/4 X 1 1/2=
What does the picture look like. Could you use the distributive property?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Math: Page 383 3, 4, 11 and 27. This is in a different book that you do not have at home) For each problem:
write a story
draw a picture
finish the equation with your answer
3) 2/3 X 1/3 =
4) 1/3 X 3/4=
11) 1/4 X3/4=
27) I the school band, 2/5 of the students play wind instruments. In the woodwind section, 1/2 of the students play the clarinet. What part of the band plays the clarinet?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Math: For each word problem please draw a picture and write an equation.
1) Jenna had 1/2 of a pizza. She gave Alissa 1/3 of her share. How much does Jenna have of the whole pizza?
2) John had 1/4 of a piece of licorice. He gave 1/2 of his share to his best friend. How much does John have of the original piece of licorice.
3) In an orchestra 1/2 of the musicians play string instruments. In the string section, 1/5 of the musicians play the viola. What part of the orchestra plays the viola?
Homework From Tues.
Math: Pages 270-271 12-20 39, 40, 43, and 46
Writing: Revise paragraph on Jamestown
Monday, February 14, 2011
Reflections: Pages 164 and 165
Weekly Reader: Please finish questions at the back of the page by Friday.
Math: Page 260-261 19-21 and 23-25 and 27
Vocabulary: Unit 10 Pages 92-93 Due Wed.
Pages 94-95 Due Fri.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Math: Please complete the following problems using the two strategies we practiced in class.
(Number Line and Traditional equation).....Make sure to scroll down.
1. Yesterday Jennifer bought 4 3/7 pounds of roast beef for sandwiches. She gave 1 2/3 pounds to her best friend. How much roast beef does Jennifer now have?
2. Jack had 3 1/2 quarts of punch. He used 1 3/4 quarts for a party. How much does he have left?
3. Julie cut 5 1/5 inches of ribbon to make a bow. Nate cut 2 4/5 of ribbon to make his bow. How much more did Julie cut that Nate?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Math Homework: Please do pages 137 and 139 in your interactive homework workbook.( That is the thick black workbook)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weekly Reader: Feature article assignment due Wed. (I will introduce it in class on Tues.)
Weekly Reader: Please finish questions at the back of the page by Friday.
Math: Page 258 number 22. Please include a story, equation and picture.
Page 259 Numbers 23, 24 and 26. Solve after you read the word problem.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Math: Page 249 Numbers 1, 2, 12
Please include the following for each:
1)A story
2)picture/ fraction bar model
3)equation with an answer
Vocabulary: Finish Unit 9 and study for the test.
Weekly Reader: Finish the questions on the back.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Math: Due. Thurs. Page 124 in your interactive homework workbook. The concept is changing fractions into simplest form.
Reading: Weekly Reader feature article. Find the main idea and one detail for every paragraph in the article. You should have 8 main ideas and one detail to go with each idea.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Vocabulary: Pages 86 and 87 are due on Wed.
Pages 88 and 89 are due on Fri.
Vocabulary: Unit nine QUIZ this Friday
Math: Page 222 21-32 Make sure to show your work!
Monthly Reading Log: Due tomorrow!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Spiral Review Book: Page 51 Do all problems except for number 4. Page 55 Do all the problems.
Vocab. : Finish Cumulative Review and study for the test.
Reading Log: Due next Tues.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Weekly Reader: The copies I gave you today are due this Wednesday.
Weekly Reader: The questions at the end of the Weekly Reader are due this Friday.
Vocabulary: C. Review Pages 76- 79 Due Wednesday.
Vocab.: Pages 80-83 due Friday. You also have your QUIZ on Friday
Math: Page 220 4, 6, 9, 13 and 21. For numbers 4, 6, 13 use a picture like we did in class.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Math Homework
Know all the terms of page 174 and 175 and how to label them properly. Also, on page 177 or 178 it also tells you how to label an angle. You will have 5 minutes in class on Mon. to work on this section of the test. (everything else has been corrected)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Math: Today we worked on divisibility rules. Please finish the worksheet from class and do prepared to discuss it tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Vocabulary: Review Unit 5-8 Pages. 68-71 Due Wed. Pages 72-75 Due Fri.
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Locker Room Problem
The locker room problem is now up on my home page. It is titlted sc000368b1.gif
This is a challenge problem that has something to do with what we did in class on factors. You have until January 26th. If you attempt the problem, you can email me at jshobar@sandi.net with your results.
I will tell you who solved it on January 27th, after I have read all entries.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Practice problems for test
How many diagonals would be in a 61-agon? How many regions? How many degrees?
Draw a octagon and add in diagonals. How many would you need? How many regions would it form?
Why is there 180 degrees in a triangle?
If two angles of a triangle were 46 degrees and 59 degrees, what would the measure of the third angle be?
REad over the study guide again.. make sure you know how to label rays, line, line segments, ect.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Math: Page 202 (hardcover) 7-9 ....16-21 and 24
Weekly Reader: Due tomorrow with worksheet
Vocabulary: Unit 8 should be complete.....Study for QUIZ
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Math: 1) Please find all the arrays for the numbers 23 and 24. (Use Graph paper) Write down all the factors and tell whether each number is prime or composite.
2) Why do some numbers have an odd number of factors? Name a few and try to figure out what is special about them.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Test Review For Next Tues.
Concepts to know:
How to use a protractor to create and measure angles.
Know the difference between a regular and not regular polygon.
Know how to draw diagonal into polygons and figure out the degrees. (use polygon sheet from class to study)
Be able to see patterns so that you could figure out how many diagonals, regions, and degrees are in a 50-agon or 43-agon or a polygon with any number of sides. (use polygon sheet from class to study)
Be able to find the missing angle in a triangle or a quadrilateral Practice problems on page 183 9-12 and page 185 11-13 (that was homework one night)
Know how to prove that a triangle has 180 degrees and that a quadrilateral has 360 degrees. Think about experiments we did in class.
Know how compare to quadrilaterals properties of quadrilaterals.
Example: A square is a rectangle always sometimes never
Know all the terms of page 174 and 175 and how to label them properly.
Math: Interactive Homework Workbook: Page 95 and 97. Then finish classwork.
Math Test Next Tues. on Geometry. I will put the study guide up on my blog tomorrow.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Math: Hardcover Books.... Page 183 numbers 9-12
Page 185 numbers 11-13
Reading: Weekly Reader due Friday.
Vocabulary: Unit 8 First 2 pages due on Wednesday.
Last 2 pages of unit 8 are due on Friday.
Vocabulary quiz on Friday.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Optional Homework
1) Look over the sheet you did in class and review the patterns we discussed. Then answer these questions:
How many diagonals would be in a 30-agon (30 sided figure)
How many regions would there be?
How would I figure out how many degrees there would be?
If you had 48 diagonals, how many regions would there be? How many sides would there be?
Explain how you would figure out how many degrees are in a 89 sided figure (89-agon)?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Math: Cut out a triangle. Mark each angle with a dot. Line up the angles like we did in class. See if you can find a triangle that does not make a straight angle or straight line.
Do these two problems:
1) You have a triangle. One angle is 16 degrees, another angle is 46 degrees. How many degrees are in the third angle. Show your work.
2) You have a quadrilateral. Three of the angles are the following degrees: 104 degrees, 64 degrees and 12 degrees. How many degrees are in the fourth angle? Show your work.
3) Sketch an example if it is possible. If you can't, explain why.
a) An equiangular quadrilateral which is not equilateral.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Math: Please do page 92 in your interactive homework book (thick black book).
Also, page 176 in hard cover book numbers 14, 16, 21
Also, page 177 numbers 1 and 9
Weekly Reader: Due Friday
Vocabulary: Complete first 2 pages of the lesson. Due this Wed.
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