Monday, November 10, 2008


Please do page 93  #16 and 17.  Use graph paper for these.  Make arrays, show how you broke them apart, and write the equations to show the distributive property.  Then do 22-25 on the same page.


Christian Ramirez said...

Hey Mr. Shobar,I accidentily forgot my mathbook at school and dont know what to do.

Diego Ramirez,Red Group

Hunter said...

Hey Diego it's Hunter

I can give you the problems:

Use the distributive property to restate each expression. Find the product.
#16. 9 x 37
#17. 6 x 35
you need to use graph paper for 16 & 17

For 22-25 : Restate the expression, using the distributive property. Then find the value of the expression.
#22. 9 x (y + 8) if y is 10
#23. 8 x (4 + n) if n is 20
#24. 3 x (6 + n) if n is 40
#25. 5 x (d + 7) if d is 80
I hope this helps,

Mr. Shobar said...


Thank you for taking the time to help one of your classmates! Have a great no school Tuesday!

Jenna said...

I am in green group and my mom picked me up during the first half of math and I do not get what to do on the homework. my friends tried to explain to me how to do it but I still dont get it

please reply Mr. Shobar
thanks jenna

Mr. Shobar said...

Can you get together with a friend who was in class and do your homework together?

Jenna said...

I had a sleepover and they tried to explain it to me, but I did not get what to do.

Danica said...
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Danica said...

hi mr. shobar i was sick yesterday and i went home before snack and i do not get the homework?

from, danica castro blue group

Mr. Shobar said...

We are going to work on the distributive property one more day this week. Also, we will review this property during the year. If any of you are still struggling with the concept ask me questions in class or come see me after school.

Danica said...

thank you mr. shobar