Monday, March 23, 2009


 Mr. Shobar's Class and Mrs. Bailey's class have homework and students who did not go on the field trip.

Page  534-535  numbers 8-13 and 18-20 and 22.


Forbes E. said...

Mr. Shobar
Forbes may have broke or badly sprained his finger he went to 2 doctor appts. today we do not know yet,they will call me in the morning. Forbes will be at school tomorrow. I got your message today thank-you.I tried to call you back after school the phones were shut down. Forbes wants to know if he missed a field trip today? He will get the cast if he needs one after the Californian Trip. Kelley E.

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Shobar,
Devan will not be attending class today due to a high fever. He might be able to attend the field trip if his fever does not lessen by tomorrow.
thank you.
Minhtam (devans mom)