Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Vocabulary: Make sure to have unite 7 completed on Friday. Also, be prepared for your test.

Math: Red and Blue group have quiz on Friday. Green group you quiz is Thurs.

Study the Distributive Property:

Practice Problems: Use the d. property to solve these problems.

53 X 67 =

145 X 42 =

Enjoy tomorrow off! Boys and Girls, you are doing a fabulous job!


Unknown said...

Hi Mr. Shobar,
Is it possible for the students to break down the distributed properties into more than 2 sections? For your example of 145x42, do they have to stick with (42)x(140+5) or can they do (40+2)x(100+40+5)?
Please let me know...

Mr. Shobar said...

Both ways are correct! You could break the numbers down anyway you want. The point is to break the numbers down in the way that makes that most sense to you and is the easiest for you!