Saturday, April 6, 2019

Math Test Wednesday

Concepts will include addition, subraction, multiplication, and division.  It will consist of 10 word problems.

Know how to subtract a problem where you need to use a number line or regroup...

 Example:  4 1/4 - 1 5/6 =         Read over your notes and practice.

Know how to multiply numbers using an area model.  For example:

An iPhone measures 3 1/2 inches  x 8 5/6 inches.  Find the area in square inches.

 I have a candy bar that measures 2 3/4 inches long. John has a candy bar that is 2 1/2 times the length of my candy bar. How long is John's candy bar?

 Know how to divide a whole number and a fraction. For example :

3 divided by 1/4=

1/4 divided by 3=

Also  know that some of the problems will include two steps.

Hints to  the study:

 Read over your notes and examples.
 Re-work and redo some of the homework problems.
 Work through the performance assessments at the end  of each topic.
Come see me for help if you have any questions or don't understand something.( don't wait until five minutes before the test ask me)

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