Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Math:  Please do page 565 ALL and 566 6, 8,9, and 10.  Remember to look at the examples on page 564.  If you are not in my class please do the solve and share on page 563.


Australian fires have imperiled up to 100 species

Read this article again looking for the authors purpose.  State the purpose in one sentence.
Next, write a paragraph using main idea and two key detail.  At the end of your paragraph draw a conclusion.  Remember:  If you use evidence, make sure state the key detail first using transitional language.https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/australian-fires-have-imperiled-up-to-100-species

Do not share this with me on google docs.  We will share this paragraph in class tomorrow first.

Keep working on your other assignments:) Calendar and research


Anonymous said...

Do we need to type the paragraph

Kaylin said...

yes and print it

Unknown said...

do we need to add the authors purpose in to the paragraph?

thx, Kaylin Ohlwiler